Friday, January 30, 2009
grrr cats
she is peeing around the house, on my housemates t shirt in his room (in which she is not aloud to be), on my boyfriends bean bag in the lounge, and in front of me on my bed that we had dragged into the living room to sleep under the air conditioner last night. I had been patting her before hand. Being nice to her. Then she went out of the room, came back in, sniffed around on the bed for a few minutes, sat down and peed. I was NOT IMPRESSED! One of Connell's friends thinks it may be because we are feeding her too close to her litter tray. So I have tried to move that. Lets see if that works.
Thursday, January 29, 2009
I'm Melting!
It is so hot here. We are in the midst of a above 40 degree Celsius heatwave. Tuesday it was 43.2 degrees (109.8 degrees Fahrenheit), and yesterday it reached 45.7 degrees (114.3 degrees Fahrenheit) this was the hottest day in Adelaide in 40 years. Today it has been forecast to be 42 degrees and 40 for both Saturday and Sunday. Luckily we are getting a cool change on Monday *sarcasm flag* its going to be 39 degrees on Monday, 38 on Tuesday and Wednesday and back to 40 of Thursday. I am not looking forward to all this heat. I like hot weather but this is ridiculous. It is better being in cold weather because you can always put on more clothes. And before i get any arguments, I was in Chicago a couple of years ago when it was -27 degrees Celsius (-16 Fahrenheit) and that was OK because we could stay inside and bee warm of when we went outside we just rugged up... a lot.
Anyway, enough complaining about the weather. I am still knitting my wavy scarf. iI am almost halfway into the 3rd section. I love it. Its easy but very pretty and I am not bored of it at all. But I did find a couple more knitting patterns that were on the Lime and Violet Daily Chum that I want to try. I have to re-do the folder that I have all my patterns that I want to try in there. One is full and then I have a whole heap of loos sheets of paper lying around the place. I am not very organised.
So last week I bought some spinning books off of Amazon. They haven't arrived yet but one of them is about using drop spindles. So today i bought 2 drop spindles, one top and one bottom whorl, with some roving. I am excited. I also bought some beautiful yarn. I will Show you guys when I get it. I think I will make a hat and scarf out of this new yarn.
Anyway, enough complaining about the weather. I am still knitting my wavy scarf. iI am almost halfway into the 3rd section. I love it. Its easy but very pretty and I am not bored of it at all. But I did find a couple more knitting patterns that were on the Lime and Violet Daily Chum that I want to try. I have to re-do the folder that I have all my patterns that I want to try in there. One is full and then I have a whole heap of loos sheets of paper lying around the place. I am not very organised.
So last week I bought some spinning books off of Amazon. They haven't arrived yet but one of them is about using drop spindles. So today i bought 2 drop spindles, one top and one bottom whorl, with some roving. I am excited. I also bought some beautiful yarn. I will Show you guys when I get it. I think I will make a hat and scarf out of this new yarn.
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Photo Time!
OK here goes.
First the beautiful yarn form TerraBellaSpun on Etsy. It was spun especially for me after I saw the roving Color my World. I loved the bright and beautiful colours and I asked Renae how I could get it spun up because I haven't started spinning YET (I have 3 books coming for Amazon on this subject, damn Lime and Violet). Straight away she let me know that she would spin it up for me and just charge me for the yarn. It was done in a flash and I was very excited with the photos that she sent me. I even put it on my screen saver at work. Then a week or so later it arrived. It was a very nice surprise and it was beautiful.

I gushed to Renae about how much I loved it. I haven't figured out what to do with it yet. What do you think? a couple of
suggestions have been a hat or use it as a decorative inlay in a shawl, a workmate suggested making it into some art i can hang on my wall. What do you guys think?
Next is my weekend away. It was fun. I saw the sights,

saw one of my best friends,
and had a gecko in my bathroom when I got home
. The gecko has a special meaning for me. It was a symbol of my trip around the world with my best friend due to many different reasons and when I get a tattoo (hopefully soon) it will be a atristic picture of a gecko. I just have to decide what I want and Connell will have to draw it for me.
First the beautiful yarn form TerraBellaSpun on Etsy. It was spun especially for me after I saw the roving Color my World. I loved the bright and beautiful colours and I asked Renae how I could get it spun up because I haven't started spinning YET (I have 3 books coming for Amazon on this subject, damn Lime and Violet). Straight away she let me know that she would spin it up for me and just charge me for the yarn. It was done in a flash and I was very excited with the photos that she sent me. I even put it on my screen saver at work. Then a week or so later it arrived. It was a very nice surprise and it was beautiful.
suggestions have been a hat or use it as a decorative inlay in a shawl, a workmate suggested making it into some art i can hang on my wall. What do you guys think?
Next is my weekend away. It was fun. I saw the sights,
No posts from the weekend
Hi guys.
I haven't forgotten about this yet. I was away during the weekend and yesterday was such a lazy day that I didn't do anything. But I have gone through photos from the weekend so when I gt home tonight I will post a couple of them. I also want to post the photos of my lovely yarn from last week and get peoples opinions about what to do with it. I have had a couple of good suggestions so far. But we will see. I shouldn't start anything new until i have finished some of my current projects. I did manage to do some of my knitting on my scarf this weekend so I have just started the third segment. Photos will be posted tonight.
I haven't forgotten about this yet. I was away during the weekend and yesterday was such a lazy day that I didn't do anything. But I have gone through photos from the weekend so when I gt home tonight I will post a couple of them. I also want to post the photos of my lovely yarn from last week and get peoples opinions about what to do with it. I have had a couple of good suggestions so far. But we will see. I shouldn't start anything new until i have finished some of my current projects. I did manage to do some of my knitting on my scarf this weekend so I have just started the third segment. Photos will be posted tonight.
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Starting early and finishing late
I have to build up my flexi time today by a couple of hours. I am goign to Sydney tomorrow and taking the afternoon off so I need enough flexi time to do it. I dont like to have negative flexi time. At least we are in the middle of a pay cycle so I can build it up again by the end of next week. Before xmas i had up to 12-13 hours but since then I have used all of them and havent built up a big reserve of them yet. So i have been trying to come in a bit early this week but for many different reasons i havent been able to stay late. So tonight I think I will be staying an hour or so later after clock off time.
EDIT: Ok, so I didn't stay at work as long as I wanted to today bit I have had a headache since lunchtime and I didn't have any of my Advil to take at work because I have been using a different handbag the last couple of days. So I stayed back late but only by a half an hour, not an hour like I wanted to. But I have enough flexi so I can take time off tomorrow.
But now that I am home and I have opened my parcels that came in the maile today boy am I feeling 100% happier. My first ever custom handspun yarn came today. I will link the shop and photos later after the fibre artist has said it's ok. I was soo happy to get this. I absolutely LOVE the colors. I just gushed in my feedback on Etsy to her. I also got another present for a friend and a couple of things for myself from another Etsy seller. They are all beautiful. And after my friends birthday I will post pictures of them as well.
EDIT: Ok, so I didn't stay at work as long as I wanted to today bit I have had a headache since lunchtime and I didn't have any of my Advil to take at work because I have been using a different handbag the last couple of days. So I stayed back late but only by a half an hour, not an hour like I wanted to. But I have enough flexi so I can take time off tomorrow.
But now that I am home and I have opened my parcels that came in the maile today boy am I feeling 100% happier. My first ever custom handspun yarn came today. I will link the shop and photos later after the fibre artist has said it's ok. I was soo happy to get this. I absolutely LOVE the colors. I just gushed in my feedback on Etsy to her. I also got another present for a friend and a couple of things for myself from another Etsy seller. They are all beautiful. And after my friends birthday I will post pictures of them as well.
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
sore wrists and ant bites
Im in a good state tonight. I went to get the washing off the line tonight and I must have been standing in the way of ants. i got bit all up my legs. Also tonight I started up my Love blanket in crochet. When I crochet I get a sore wrist. How can I stop this?
I got a couple of my Etsy purchases tonight. Unfortunately neither of the things were for me, they are gifts for friends. After they get the gift I will let you know what they are. Another of the gifts I bought that I was hoping to get tonight but they hadnt sent me the details of how to pay for the item yet and I need it to take with me to Sydney on Friday. I asked if I could get it send straight to my friend. I havent heard anything from them yet.
My Love blanket is crocheted with a bamboo hook of 10mm. I have used a whole heap of different yarns that I bought at Spotlight. The stitch I am using is a half double crochet. I started at the centre and just spiraled my way out, putting a row of increases in as needed. I am hoping to make 2 of them, both big enough for 2 people to snuggle under. I have two people I know who are getting married seperately but on the same day. I am hoping to give one blanket to each couple. but the first one is a long way off. the other major project I am hoping to do is my baby blankets.There are going to be a few popping out over the next few months. I want to give them something handmade if I can.
My Love blanket is crocheted with a bamboo hook of 10mm. I have used a whole heap of different yarns that I bought at Spotlight. The stitch I am using is a half double crochet. I started at the centre and just spiraled my way out, putting a row of increases in as needed. I am hoping to make 2 of them, both big enough for 2 people to snuggle under. I have two people I know who are getting married seperately but on the same day. I am hoping to give one blanket to each couple. but the first one is a long way off. the other major project I am hoping to do is my baby blankets.There are going to be a few popping out over the next few months. I want to give them something handmade if I can.
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
The Makado
Connell took me to the Mikado tonight. It was a lot of fun. There were a couple of big name Aussie comedians, a legend of Australian musical theater, a finalist for So you think you can dance Australia and an awesome guy who I don't know his name. It finishes on Saturday. If your in Adelaide i do recomend it.

Early Birthday Supprise
Connell spent an hour or more last night swearing at his computer trying to buy us tickets for a suprise for me tonight. Its my birthday next week but apparently this show finishes on Saturday and Connell works every other night this week.
I dont know what it is going to be but i have an idea. I'll let you know what it was tomorrow.
I am really going to try to read and comment on more crafty people's blogs. And i want to get more involved with the Etsy forums and other crafty websites. This is a community i want to be more a part of.
I dont know what it is going to be but i have an idea. I'll let you know what it was tomorrow.
I am really going to try to read and comment on more crafty people's blogs. And i want to get more involved with the Etsy forums and other crafty websites. This is a community i want to be more a part of.
Monday, January 19, 2009
The aquisition of furniture contunues
My cosin offered me a bookshelf and a desk almost a year ago. Today my dad, boyfriend and I finally went to pick them up. I dont think this household can never have too many book shelves. we all have a large collection of books and DVDs and games.
I also recieved a book from amazon. Its called 100 Applique Motifs.
I saw it in a blog that I am reading. I wish I knew which one though. It is a beautiful book filled with lots of cute things to make. I have never done applique before but this book makes it look simple.
Why can't i stay home from work and jut create things all day. Maybe one day i can quit my job and just create things like many of the lucky people I see on the internet. My goal is for my boyfriend to finish his PhD in chemical engineering and make lots of money in a fancy yet easy job allowing me to only need to work part time if at all so that i can spend more time creating things. I can start selling on Etsy or Artfire and make lots of money on that. Then he can quit his job and concentrate on his art. I am sure that idea is compleately feesible *holds up sarcasm sign*.
I also recieved a book from amazon. Its called 100 Applique Motifs.

Why can't i stay home from work and jut create things all day. Maybe one day i can quit my job and just create things like many of the lucky people I see on the internet. My goal is for my boyfriend to finish his PhD in chemical engineering and make lots of money in a fancy yet easy job allowing me to only need to work part time if at all so that i can spend more time creating things. I can start selling on Etsy or Artfire and make lots of money on that. Then he can quit his job and concentrate on his art. I am sure that idea is compleately feesible *holds up sarcasm sign*.
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Ikea trip
Today we went to Ikea to buy some bookshelves. I live with my boyfriend (that's him looking unimpressed, this is even before we spent hours rearanging all the furniture in the room to make it perfect) and a friend and for the past year we have been living with our TV on a coffee table and the DVD player, PS2 and PS3 and Wii and other cable needing things on the ground around it. The room always looked messy. Also our room wasn't set up the best for entertaining due to the position of everything. But we bought 2 of the Expedit 2x4 bookshelves in white so we can have one lying across the floor and one standing up. It will allow us to hopefully hide away all our cords and cable swe have some draws and boxes to go in the shelves so I can put some of my yarn and crafts in there too as well as books and dvds. then our two couches are going along the walls instead of one being out from the wall. Connell, my boyfriend has his computer desk in the lounge room we might tun that so it is sticking out from the wall so he can watch tv from there but the desk is much smaller than the couch so it wont take up nearly enough room.
I am hoping that we can try to keep the room a lot neater. we are all messy people so it probably wont change much. but we can try.
edit: The room turned out nothing like we had planned but we all agree its so much better than the way we had planned.
not much to report
I didn't do too much in the way of knitting today. I woke up late because it's Saturday and I have the house to myself Saturday morning. Then it was a cleaning day. The hose is in a constant state of mess and we are always trying to clean it so that took most of the rest of the day until I went to the movies. It was my best friend Annes birthday today and i took her to the movies. We say Benjamin Button. It was good. I liked it. Then we went to my friends house to play Disney Trivial Persuit but it was pretty crap. So we gave up and just talked. that was more fun.
Now its time to watch Serenity and knit some more.
I mmight have to change my blog name... it seams that when you put in my url it comes up witrh some guy called Ben's blog instead
Now its time to watch Serenity and knit some more.
I mmight have to change my blog name... it seams that when you put in my url it comes up witrh some guy called Ben's blog instead
Friday, January 16, 2009
First section done
So I have finished the first section of my Waving Chevron Scarf
and I am just starting the next section. It is coming up really nicely. I really like the yarn I am using .
In the original pattern they called for bigger yarn and using 3 solid colours but using my sock yarn I still get the striping but with patches of colours too and I really like it. I also cast on twice as many stitches as what was done with the original scarf, 52 in total. that is just because I am using skinnier yarn. I like the size of it and I really like the shape or the curves. I have never done that before. I actually really like the edge of the scarf that is made but the kfb stitch either end. It's nice and clean and I like the ridge on one side. But then I like weird little things about objects.
I am sorry about my spelling and punctuation and grammar in these posts. I am not a big fan of capitalisation but I think i will try just because it is nicer for other people to read. So forgive me if I fall back to my old ways.
I really hope that i continue this blog if only for the pictures of what I am working on. I will try to add them when i talk about a project.
Thursday, January 15, 2009
So this will be my craft blog
I am enjoying other peoples blogs these days. i discovered Google reader recently and i am now addicted. I have mostly knitting and craft blogs but a few other things as well. One of my best friends and i decided to teach ourselves to knit. we both had some basic knowledge, mine was much more basic. so she taught me the basics and everything else i have been learning off of youTube. I still want to learn a whole heap of basic things but I'm going pretty good. On the side of this blog you can see my finished object which is a lot more than i thought as well as my unfinished object. which is a lot less than i thought. i would love to have a list of the projects that i would like to make but that is going to be endless.
I have been looking for something artistic to do for years. i cant draw, paint or write. but now i can knit, crochet and sew. My friend gave me a cool quilting book for xmas. i want to get into that. my Yaya gave me her sewing machine for xmas last year and my Nana has been talking about giving me her knitting machine. If i can get some things knitted up faster i might start to make some stuff to sell too.
I love colourful hand dyed and hand spun yarn. I will be posting about my favorite artists later. hopefully i stay motivated so i can write about my projects and post photos too.
I am going to do more of my waving chevron scarf. I am using the yarn cotton candy from one fat slug. It was one of the first hand dyed yarns i bought. its sock yarn but i am not into socks yet. i tried, but i made one ugly brown sock and didn't do its pair.
I hope i keep writing
I have been looking for something artistic to do for years. i cant draw, paint or write. but now i can knit, crochet and sew. My friend gave me a cool quilting book for xmas. i want to get into that. my Yaya gave me her sewing machine for xmas last year and my Nana has been talking about giving me her knitting machine. If i can get some things knitted up faster i might start to make some stuff to sell too.
I love colourful hand dyed and hand spun yarn. I will be posting about my favorite artists later. hopefully i stay motivated so i can write about my projects and post photos too.
I am going to do more of my waving chevron scarf. I am using the yarn cotton candy from one fat slug. It was one of the first hand dyed yarns i bought. its sock yarn but i am not into socks yet. i tried, but i made one ugly brown sock and didn't do its pair.
I hope i keep writing
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